Metro Servers makes it easier to get your website online without guesstimating how much storage or bandwidth you'll need. Simply enjoy unlimited shared hosting at the same flat rate every month.
$8.99 per Month
$14.99 per Month
$24.99 per Month
Install over 300 of your favourite applications free with simple one click install. Our auto script installer will complete everything from copying the files to creating a Database.
Everything in one place! cPanel allows easy management of all your domains, from just a single page! Easily make changes to your files, addon domains, email accounts, MySQL databases and much more!
QUESTIONS? CONTACT US Choose from three email clients to use, right from the comfort of cPanel. Efficiently manage all your email accounts, by sending, reading, moving and deleting emails all in one easy to navigate panel.
Easily manage all your email accounts on the go!
One of the most loved parts of cPanel is the file manager. Take full control over all your files, utilizing the managers built in code editor and easy to use, drag and drop file system for easy changes.
FTP and SSH can also be used for efficient file management!
Are you wanting a unique error page? No problem, easily manage all your website error pages such as 400 and 500 series errors with just a few clicks of your mouse and keystrokes, right from your cPanel.
Fully customize and take control of your website!
The bandwidth and traffic statistic found in cPanel, are almost instantly updated 24/7. These statistics log several activities such as amount of bandwidth used, page visits and visitor IP addresses.
Accurate statistics are always valuable when it comes to your success!
With cPanel, SSL managment is made easy! Being able to quickly generate a CSR, install an SSL or remove an SSL is just yet another benefit of utilizing cPanel with Shock Hosting!
Please note, a dedicated IP address is required for an SSL certificate.
With Metro Servers Web Hosting you will get much more then just a web hosting. Over our hosting you can manage your website, store & share data, have secure access to your email anywhere at anytime from any device and much more...
Watch Our other FeaturesWe keep a backup of your data to help protect you from data loss. Provided free with every Web Hosting account!
We use Top Quality SuperMicro servers, super-fast and secure RAID-10 SAS Disk Setup, and fully owned network hardware.
We are truly always around and ready to assist you with any aspect of your services.
MetroServers is committed to customer satisfaction and every account is backed by a 45 day money back guarantee.